THIS MONTH ONLY: Up to $2,000 OFF Emsculpt NEO Package,

Emsculpt Neo®

Burns fat cells while increasing muscle mass on the abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs.

Six Pack Abs and a Tighter Tummy

Emsculpt Neo® is a revolutionary new treatment that builds muscle, burns fat, and contours the body all at the same time. Suitable for both women and men, Emsculpt Neo® cuts through fat cells while increasing muscle mass to give the visible results of working out on stubborn, resistant areas of the body.  

Performed by our trained staff at Embry Aesthetics, this is a non-surgical and FDA-approved procedure effective in muscle building and fat reduction. Emsculpt Neo® uses radiofrequency (RF) energy combined with a heat technology called HIFEM® on a patented electrode device exclusive only to the Emsculpt Neo.  

Two Technologies in One

RF technology improves skin appearance by emitting high-intensity radiofrequency waves that heat targeted fat cells to a temperature that causes them to break down physically. Once heated, fat cells can then be metabolized by the body naturally, leading to permanent fat removal.

When used together, muscle is built, and fat cells are obliterated. Strong contractions combined with increased blood flow make the muscles work harder and respond by restructuring the inner fiber network, resulting in skin that’s firmer, more toned, and free of fat.

Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt Neo®?

Emsculpt Neo® is ideal for patients with concerns in the following areas: Thighs, Buttocks, Arms, Calves, and Abdomen.  

This treatment is especially ideal for those looking to improve the abdomen area who suffer from diastasis recti or post-pregnancy skin sagging. After just one treatment, the non-invasive technology helps tone and strengthen to ensure the future development of tighter and firmer abdominal muscles. 

Results and patient experience may vary, and Emsculpt Neo® may not be suitable for everyone. As with any medical procedure, our professionals at Embry Aesthetics can tell you if Emsculpt Neo is right for you.

Two Technologies in One

RF technology improves skin appearance by emitting high-intensity radiofrequency waves that heat targeted fat cells to a temperature that causes them to break down physically. Once heated, fat cells can then be metabolized by the body naturally, leading to permanent fat removal.

When used together, muscle is built, and fat cells are obliterated. Strong contractions combined with increased blood flow make the muscles work harder and respond by restructuring the inner fiber network, resulting in skin that’s firmer, more toned, and free of fat.

A non-surgical procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to burn fat cells under the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take?

There is no downtime after an Emsculpt Neo treatment, and one session takes as little as 30 minutes.

Is it painful?

Emsculpt Neo is completely painless, non-invasive, and requires no anesthesia. Our medical aestheticians will communicate with you during the session to make sure you are always comfortable. You can get back to your day with no restrictions as soon as the treatment is over.

How many treatments will I need?

A treatment plan can consist of four to six sessions with a couple of days in between. During your consultation, one of our professionals will give you a personalized treatment plan and discuss what results to expect.

Who isn’t a candidate for Emsculpt Neo®?

Emsculpt Neo is not safe for those who are pregnant or have a heart condition and those with metallic or electronic implants.





Six Pack Abs and a Tighter Tummy

Emsculpt Neo® is a revolutionary new treatment that builds muscle, burns fat, and contours the body all at the same time. Suitable for both women and men, Emsculpt Neo® cuts through fat cells while increasing muscle mass to give the visible results of working out on stubborn, resistant areas of the body.

Performed by our trained staff at Embry Aesthetics, this is a non-surgical and FDA-approved procedure effective in muscle building and fat reduction. Emsculpt Neo® uses radiofrequency (RF) energy combined with a heat technology called HIFEM® on a patented electrode device exclusive only to the Emsculpt Neo.



Two Technologies in One

RF technology improves skin appearance by emitting high-intensity radiofrequency waves that heat targeted fat cells to a temperature that causes them to break down physically. Once heated, fat cells can then be metabolized by the body naturally, leading to permanent fat removal.

When used together, muscle is built, and fat cells are obliterated. Strong contractions combined with increased blood flow make the muscles work harder and respond by restructuring the inner fiber network, resulting in skin that’s firmer, more toned, and free of fat.







Who is a Candidate for Emsculpt Neo®?

Emsculpt Neo® is ideal for patients with concerns in the following areas: Thighs, Buttocks, Arms, Calves, and Abdomen.

This treatment is especially ideal for those looking to improve the abdomen area who suffer from diastasis recti or post-pregnancy skin sagging. After just one treatment, the  non-invasive technology helps tone and strengthen to ensure the future development of tighter and firmer abdominal muscles.

Results and patient experience may vary, and Emsculpt Neo® may not be suitable for everyone. As with any medical procedure, our professionals at Embry Aesthetics can tell you if Emsculpt Neo is right for you.



What to Expect

Results can be felt within several days after the first treatment. Final results can be seen in up to three months and are comparable to what you can expect after working out for several weeks.

At Embry Aesthetics, we will help determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate after a physical examination and revisions of your medical history. To determine if Emsculpt Neo is right for you, schedule a consultation today with one of our medical aestheticians.




A non-surgical procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) and high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM) to burn fat cells under the skin.






Thousands of muscle contractions in one 30-minute session

Heat technology is used but is not painful


A revolutionary new method of gaining abdominal muscle

Safely treats patients with up to 35 BMI




Frequently Asked Questions